Chehalem Valley Baptist Church is a place where you can enjoy in-depth Bible study, engage in life-giving community, and find encouragement. We believe our church is a place where people can find authentic worship, solid-biblical teaching, and true discipleship. We desire to glorify God in all we do and this is what guides how we "do" church. We would be thrilled to have you join us this Sunday or Wednesday!
When We Meet
Sunday Mornings
9:30 am for Bible study
10:45 am Worship
10:45 am Worship
Wednesday Evenings
6:30 pm for our Bible Study & Prayer Gathering, Student Activities, and Kids Connection
What To Expect
A typical service will last about 90 minutes. We sing a good mix of contemporary and traditional music that is led by our worship team. There is childcare available for children birth through early elementary. We also offer a family room off the sanctuary for those who need it, allowing families to still participate in worship. Plan to hang around after the service for fellowship, food and a chance to meet new people.
Tips For Your Visit
We want you to enjoy your time with us and feel the love of Christ that exists within our congregation. Our desire is for you to feel right at home, so we have some tips to help make your visit a positive experience.
When You Arrive
You are welcome to use the Guest Parking spaces closest to the building for your convenience. You don’t have to, but they are available to you! You will be greeted with a friendly smile by one of our fabulous greeters. And Yes, they really are that friendly!
When You Walk In The Door
We will hand you a Worship Guide for the morning service. Please take a moment to fill out a Community Card so that we can reach out to you and help you get acquainted. We have coffee and hot tea available. Please feel free to grab a cup.
Sunday Morning Options
Our Sunday morning Bible study groups start at 9:30 am. You will be greeted at the front door and directed where to go. If you have children, birth-5th grade, we will help register them for secure check-in. We start our Worship Service at 10:45am, and it lasts until approximately 12:00-12:15pm. We have worship care for babies through early elementary school.
What To Expect In Worship
Our worship team plays a wide variety of music from Contemporary Christian songs, Bluegrass, to Old Time Hymns. There’s a little something for everyone. We are pretty casual about dress, so come as you are. Everyone is welcome.
Our preaching style is straight forward, strictly Bible-based preaching.
Our preaching style is straight forward, strictly Bible-based preaching.
Stay For Fellowship
After service please feel free to join us for complementary snacks in the fellowship hall. Yep, we have snack time after our service, and we hope you will stay. Fellowship is important to us because it is when we really get to know each other.
Our Gift To You
We have gift bags for each of our first time guest. Feel free to pick up one of our guest bags that contain more information about our church and a treat for you.
Wednesday Night Options
If you are planning to visit on Wednesday night for our kids, youth, adult activities, you will greeted at the door and directed in the right direction. All children will be registered and given a security tag. Activities start at 6:30 pm and you will need 5 to 10 minutes to register as a first time guest.